Sunday, April 28, 2013

Happy Earth Week

Hello and Happy Earth Week!!

As you know, this Monday, April 22nd, was Earth Day! But the things we talk about on Earth Day are so important that we just end up calling the whole week Earth Week! That way we can focus on all the important ideas about respecting the earth even longer. Actually, I treat ever day like Earth Day. And you should, too! But who doesn't enjoy getting dressed up and celebrating for a special occasion. I always wear something a little special on April 22nd. This year I helped make a special Earth Day pin to wear. Here is a picture of it! We made it out of a recycled cereal box and a stamp! It was really easy to just stick a pin backing on it. And wah lah! Our very special earth day decoration. There are all sorts of jewelry and decorations you can wear on Earth Day or Earth Week or everyday! I have seen entire bags made out of Starburst wrappers. Or bracelets made out of recycled magazines. If you do make anything be sure to send me a picture! I would love to see how creative you are.

I spent Earth Day with my friends cleaning up Eldridge park. We collected almost a full garbage bag! We walked around the trails and picked up the garbage from the ground. As a raccoon, I hate having to step over human trash as I make my way in and out of my burrow. Yuck!

Did you know that April 22nd wasn't always Earth Day? Almost 40 years ago, in 1970, some people got together and decided that not enough humans were paying attention to how they took care of the earth. They decided that there should be a special day where everyone will take action and help make the earth a healthier place to live.

Earth Day started in America. It wasn't until 1990 that people all around the world started participating in Earth Day events. Recycling was the big focus for Earth Day around the world. Now, over 140 countries participate in Earth Day events! That's great!

Earth Day 2007 was the largest Earth Day to date with activities happening in thousands of places all over the world!

I love celebrating Earth Day. But don't forget that everyday is Earth Day! You can start taking care of the earth now by just doing little things everyday. Like recycling and trying not to waste anything! Or walking or riding your bike instead of driving in a car when you can. Carpooling is also a great way to reduce how many cars are on the road. And when your done with your games or toys, don't throw them away! Donate anything that is still good so other people can use them.

I would love to hear how you celebrate Earth Day everyday! I love our earth and I love our environment. I am going to do what I can as a raccoon to take care of it!

Until next time my friends,

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