About Me!

Hello friends!
My name is Eco. And I am not your average raccoon. I was born on May 1st, 2009 under the bridge in Eldridge Park.  I lived there with my family in our den for the first couple months of my life.  When I was ready my mom told me and my brothers and sisters to get out and explore the world on our own. I have always had alot of questions in my head. Most raccoons I know just wonder about what day the humans put their garbage outside or when the acorns and berries will fall from the trees. I want to know things like what do fish do when its cold outside or how high is the tallest tree in Elmhurst, or in Illinois or in the world! Since none of my friends had the same questions
, I had to set out on my own to find these answers. I love going on adventures. I found some really cool humans in Eldridge Park. They even had a contest to name me! This really nice little girl gave me my name! I finally met other animals that wondered as much as I did! The humans that work at Eldridge Nature Center let me listen in on their classes! I have so much fun learning with them. I still need to go on adventures in order to see things and think of even more questions!

I'm glad you
re here and reading my blog. You'll be able follow me as I go on adventures and see what this raccoon does when he's not sleeping during the day! You'll be able to send me your questions too! I'll try to answer them as fast as I can!  Send me your questions or pictures to my email;  ecotheraccoon@gmail.com And be sure to 'Like' our Facebook page @ Facebook.com/epdnature!  I can't wait to hear from you!

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